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Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. Stay on top of the latest TV news! Sign up for our TV email newsletter here. In addition to the final season, Cartoon Network will continue to air specials and miniseries. Additionally, in 2011 a gay airman called his mother just hours after the repeal of 'Dont Ask, Dont Tell' in order to come out and put the whole experience on YouTube. The series, which focuses on the often surreal, post-apocalyptic adventures of Finn the Human (Jeremy Shada) and Jake the Dog (John DiMaggio), has won six Emmys over the course of its run. The first episode debuted to 2.8 million viewers and launched an instant cult hit. “Adventure Time” originally premiered as a short in Nicktoons’ “Random! Cartoons” series, but it proved popular enough to get its own series in spring 2010. We tried to put into every episode something genuine and telling from our lives, and make a show that was personal to us, and that had jokes too! I’m really happy that it connected with an audience for so long.

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Added series creator Pendleton Ward: “‘Adventure Time’ was a passion project for the people on the crew who poured their heart into the art and stories.

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